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Mrinalini Chawla


Mrinalini ( Mirchu ) Chawla prefers not to confine herself into one professional role;

since the mind + imagination + creative skills, a human being can work with - are quite quite unlimited!


Instead, she has chosen to journey with various mediums that include theatre production, set design, graphic design and funky home utility items, many involving using recycled elements.


As administrator and member of the Delhi based society called the Centre for Creative Expressions, Mrinalini also facilitates theatre and art recycling workshops for children and adults. Post its launch, till September 2012, she was Show Running Director of the musical Jhumroo, at the Kingdom of Dreams, Gurgaon.


She has just finished with an exhibition of her Oleograph – Raja Ravi Verma inspired home products at the Lalit Kala Acedemy.

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