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“It's the action, not the fruit of the action, that's important.

You have to do the right thing.

It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there'll be any fruit. But that doesn't mean you stop doing the right thing.

You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

The Sisters behind The Summit


BooGio 11 Productions was founded by Divya & Mudita Chandra in 2009,with an intention to revisit contemporary paradigms in the arts; thru workshops, theatre & film, seeking its organic roots as a means to self discovery, transformation and value creation.

The aim of the company is to facilitiate transformation, for indiviuals, artists and companies thru our programs and projects.


The company thrives on creative collaborations among actors, movement artists, musicians, writers, scenographers and indeed audiences towards finding meaning in a climate of spectacle and flash.


BooGio’s projects rest on inspirational content as much as on process and innovative form – employing technology to interpret timeless streams from the vast repository of music, dance, myth and spirituality to create works of performance art with an efficient stillness and depth of tradition.


Gender dynamics; relationships held and fostered within urbanity; receptivity to and awareness of energy realms and cause-effect patterns are some of the on-going thematic experiments at BooGio11.


The aim of the company has been to be a collaboration of like-minded artists towards initiating projects that create value for both the artists and the audience, rather than just to exist as a business entity.


​The "HAPPY TO HELP THEATRE COMPANY" is part of BooGio 11 Productions.


Divya Chandra is the Director of BooGio11 Productions and founder of The Women Of India Summit.


Divya Chandra wears many hats, effortlessly inhabiting two very different worlds; one in the arts, as Actor, Writer and Director and the other as the Project Alchemist helping a global clientele and their businesses step more into their potential.

Her two worlds seamlessly collide under the banner of the Women Of India Summit; the only platform of its kind, where a strong tribe of conscientious men & women work together to create empowerment, safety & security for women thru webinars, quarterly workshops, online classes and an annual three day summit.


Divya’s explorations with the self and potential began with being on the stage, singing, theater movement, yoga and imago work.

Her journey as an actor, director & playwright has given her a unique eye and an understanding in to the limitations we put on ourselves.

As an actor, Divya is committed to work on projects that break the certified notions of glam and affectation prefixed with the profession, framing new foundations of 'transformative-mission oriented art'.

As a writer & director she creates work that transcends cultural confines in story-telling, co- creating opportunities for like-minded artists to explore and re-define ‘performance’ as a movement for self-discovery & empowerment.


More recently her focus has shifted to re- examining cultural narratives that have shaped & limited our sense of self & defined the roles both genders are meant to play.


Divya's goal has been to spread awareness about our relationship to the environment, responsible media & advertising & the changing role of women in the shifting paradigm of gender dynamics.


She has worked on several Indian and international projects, collaborating with directors, filmmakers and artists to create conscientious work escalating both the ‘self’ and societal awareness.


Now as The Project Alchemist working with people from all ages and backgrounds, through her workshops, private coaching programmes she facilitates a more conscious connection with the self and helps participants tap and explore their aspirations and potential.


Divya works out of New Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, London and New York.

For more go to  


Mudita Chandra  is the founding partner of BooGio11 Productions and co creator of
The Women of India  Summit.


In her day job she moonlights as Creative Director  for The Carpet Cellar in New Delhi, Luxury and heart centred gifting expert for The Pure Experience and on the weekends she is in training to counsel young girls in a well established college for girls in South Delhi.


As an activist and caregiver to abandoned and injured stray dogs wherever she lives Mudita also ran the Sai Ashram Animal Shelter, which rescues and rehabilitates abandoned and injured dogs from the streets of Delhi. The Ashram is run on donations and at this moment houses 350 dogs, 2 pigs and a donkey.

Mudita has been a lifelong volunteer to help any animal and person in need, who mystically & consistently find their way to her doorstep.


A Psychology major with years of experience not only handling (read counselling) animals with special needs but also their owners, overought friends, family, the neighbourhood aunties, bhaiyas, didis and everyone in between.


She is our resident counsellor for all WOIS club members especially in matters of creating independence, financial equanimity, confidence training, family, relationships and dating advice.


A word to the wise, do not let her sweet face and kind heart fool you into thinking her soft, she is a fierce warrior and the practical, no nonsense, business head of our company.


MC as she is fondly known, is the queen of all trades, assiduously juggling her creative pursuits with her mission to help those most in need.

For more go to


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BooGio 11 Productions 

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