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Revati Laul


Revati Laul is a journalist who believes that there is nothing more empowering than writing stories of the most disempowered and disposessed is ways that are infectious and full of empathy.


That is on good days. On bad days she is filled with the same dreaded disease that most reporters have - grave self doubt. On those days, she can be found escaping into other magic-real worlds of film, food and fornication. She currently writes on politics for the weekly news magazine and website - Tehelka. This has been her window to the world for the last two years. Before that, Revati was a television journalist for sixteen years - ten of which were spent with NDTV. She has reported from Afghanistan, Kargil, Maoist Nepal and other such dangerous places. 


More recently, an issue of Tehelka she edited called One Million Rising - containing stories of women across India rising up after the Nirbhaya rape; and also the story of the continuing genocide against Tamils in Sri Lanka. She also helped set up an NGO that works with vulnerable children called TARA. 

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